Sign ups for Summer 2024 Kids Cooking Classes
Trout Lake, WA , White Salmon, Husum, Stevenson and Bingen, Wa
Trout Lake Grange
July 12th-15th 10:30am - 1pm
Getting Comfortable in the Kitchen
Ages 7-9
Introduces each child to the basic kitchen tools and ingredients. We will be learning and tasting all kinds of fruits, veggies, spices and herbs. By the end of the week your child will be soaring with kitchen confidence. Each child will have made 3 snacks that they will bring home to share with the family along with the recipe card! Our goal is to introduce new flavors, encourage interaction in the kitchen and highlight fresh, healthy foods. $95 for 4 days
Registration Form
Release Form
Payment accepted via check
Trout Lake Grange
July 12-15th 1:30-4pm
Making Meals
Ages 10-12
Following the Chinese Proverb "Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." This course sets students up to take control for meal time. Learning homemade broths, gluten free grain preparation, vegetable prep, and simple sauces.
Every week we offer a new learning menu for this class so kids can enjoy coming time and time again with different cuisines being highlighted
$95 for 4 days
Registration Form
Release Form
Payment accepted via Check
Trout Lake Grange
Registration Closed
Creative Cooking
Ages 12-14
A fun team challenge opens up the kitchen to the kids to take creative control. Each day teams show up to a mystery basket and have one hour to "think tank" plan out their dishes, one hour to execute and plate.
Final hour will be spent enjoying the fruits of their labor along with some of my homemade tasting creations at the tasting table.
$95 for 4 days